Friday, December 12, 2008

From Charles E. Ribak

Here is his obit from the Berkeley student newspaper, including a photo.

Lets say a prayer for him.

Shema Yisrael, adonai elohenu, adonai ehud......

Best wishes,

1 comment:

  1. To: Jeff's family
    From: One of his many beloved students

    The first time I met him was in answer to a undergraduate research application to the Winer lab. All that was required, so the blurb said, was "brains".

    Of the 4 years I've known Jeff, 15 months was spent working at the lab and learning from him. I enjoyed the long afternoon conversations we had about philosophy, history, politics and yes, neuroanatomy. In fact, we talked about everything under the sun because that was the depth with which he enjoyed the finer things in life. Jeff was more than a scientist - he was an artist, and it showed in his magnificent drawings.

    But he was more than that. He was my teacher, my advisor, my counselor. Working in the lab was one of the most fulfilling and enjoyable experiences I've had in my career, simply because of his presence.

    I am honored to have known Jeff, even if it was for a short period of time. I am saddened that I will have one less person to visit each time I journey to the Berkeley campus. He has made such an impact in my life - perhaps he knew this, but I wish I had told him more often.

    All the way from Singapore, Jeff, I bid you farewell. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You will not be easily forgotten, I assure you.

