To Friends and Colleagues of Jeffery Winer
Professor Jeffery Winer passed away on December 9, 2008 after a brief battle with cancer. Still in the prime of his life, Jeff was the world leader in the neuroanatomical study of the auditory system of the brain. He was admired as a scientist, esteemed as a colleague, adored as a teacher, and treasured as a friend. In the tradition of classical anatomists, his exquisite drawings of neurons recall those of the great Spanish neuroanatomist Santiago Ramon y Cajal, who laid the groundwork for modern neuroscience. An aficionado of classical music, avid reader of literature, redoubtable humorist, and champion of fairness who served for years as chief faculty ombudsperson, Jeff was valued most as a graduate mentor and undergraduate adviser and pedagogue. His devotion to teaching and to undergraduate research were unmatched, and it is in this role that he is most sorely missed.
It is thus fitting that his colleagues in the Neurobiology Division of Molecular and Cell Biology have established a fund in his memory for the encouragement and support of undergraduate scholarship and research in neuroscience at U.C. Berkeley. The immediate goal of that fund is to endow an annual award for the most accomplished graduating senior in neurobiology. We hope to issue the first such award to a member of this year's graduating class, in May, 2009. The minimum needed to sustain such a Prize is $25,000, and as seed money we have already collected over $1,000, mainly from Jeff's colleagues in the Neurobiology Division of MCB.
We are now soliciting contributions to this fund from the wider communities of all campus colleagues, professional associates, previous students, and family and friends. Please join us in honoring Jeff's memory and in nurturing his chief passion at U.C., the encouragement and recognition of the highest level of undergraduate scholarship in neuroscience at California's premier public university.
Checks should be made payable to the "UC Berkeley Foundation," marked for the "Jeffery Allan Winer Memorial Scholarship Fund," and mailed to:
Ms. Rosa Lewandowski
Assistant to the Chair
Box 142 Life Sciences Addition #3200
Molecular and Cell Biology Department
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3200.
-- Bob Zucker
Prof. Robert S. Zucker, Chair
Winer Scholarship Committee
Helen Wills Neuroscience Institute, and Neurobiology Division
Molecular and Cell Biology Department
111 Life Sciences Division
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-3200 U.S.A.
Phone (& Fax): +1 510 642-3407
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